Image of Oxford Street currently - unwelcoming and filled with vehicles

Here are the facts on the Oxford Street Cycleway.

There’s been a lot of disingenuous information going around, and we’re here to set the record straight.

1. You won’t lose your parking spot

The plan for rejuvenating Oxford Street involves removing one of the traffic lanes in either direction. It does not involve removing the bus/parking lanes.

2. It won’t kill Oxford Street businesses

The street parking on Oxford Street is going nowhere — so there will be no impact due to loss of parking.

Construction won’t last years like the light rail — when building the cycleway between Hyde Park and Taylor Square, construction in front of each shopfront didn't last more than a month.

3. It won’t cause traffic chaos

Removing a traffic lane from Oxford Street in either direction will divert more of the traffic to William Street and Moore Park Road, which are built to handle higher traffic. This makes Oxford Street less like a highway, more like a high street. Oxford Street will become a place where Paddington residents and shoppers can drive, not a through-route from the east to the city.

Or learn more about the proposal